Upgrading the Arsenal

The increase in attack frequency, added risk of APIs, and cost of downtime have combined to create a threat greater than the sum of its parts. This evolution of the threat landscape necessitates a similar evolution in defense methods. An organization would be naive to think that the preparedness posture that worked a decade ago can still work unchanged against modern threats.

how to stop a dos attack?

"To address the increased frequency of attack, a modern defense must be efficient," says Andrew Shoemaker, a DDoS veteran and founder of NimbusDDoS, a pen-testing provider that vets DDoS mitigation solutions. "This means embracing automated mitigation approaches, and moving away from slow manual processes," he adds.

"Manual approaches may have been effective in the past when an organization was only attacked a few times per year, but the administrative burden of manual mitigation becomes overwhelming when attacks are happening monthly or weekly."

DDoS against national infrastructure networks can wreak major real-life havoc and shut down access to the services that grease the wheels of our economy and society. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reports that in the past five years the size of attacks has increased by a factor of 10, and that "it is not clear if current network infrastructure could withstand future attacks if they continue to increase in scale."


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