Post-pandemic perceptions

 The survey was carried out with 1081 Brazilians between March 10 and 16, just before the covid-19 pandemic spread to Brazil. To verify whether there were changes in consumer perception after the beginning of social isolation in cities, the survey was repeated in September. Most opinions remained, with minimal fluctuations.

The biggest difference of opinion was related to the belief of automated service in the next decade. There was an increase of 9% among those who believe that they will speak only to robots in a period of five years. It went from 57% to 66%.

“The pandemic taught that investing in technology is necessary. It is increasingly necessary to facilitate processes. But despite the intense use of bots , the human will always be there to solve demands with a higher level of difficulty ”, added Fernando Pompei, commercial director of the group.

The Linux System Administrator will take care of the small projects at the service level. They have to optimize the existing environments based on business and security needs. There is a need for the System Administrator to identify and rectify any complex OS issues. They must ensure high availability and resiliency of production systems.


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