how can I reduce IT incidents in my company?

 1. Train users

As we said, it is recommended to train employees throughout the company so that they become increasingly self-taught with the technologies used in the business environment. This practice reduces unnecessary open calls, as well as problems generated by errors. The subjects taught should be:

  • guidelines on how to open tickets;
  • average time to solve problems;
  • good practices of the company's systems;
  • IT security policies.

2. Keep software and systems up to date

Another important practice is to keep all of the company's software and systems up to date. This ensures that they are at their best and the risks of problems, such as loss of efficiency or security breaches, are eliminated, as well as all the work that the IT team has with them.

Know more: WAN vs LAN

3. Establish security policies

Security policies are standard measures that every employee must comply with to minimize the organization's security risks. It must be defined according to the needs of each business. Some examples of common items are:

  • blocking the use of USA ports;
  • restriction of software installation authorization;
  • limit access within systems.

In addition, it is recommended to use a term of responsibility, signed by all users of the systems, committing to follow the policies defined in the company.

4. Have a disaster recovery plan

The disaster recovery plan aims to design all the processes necessary to identify and eliminate problems, returning to the normal environment as soon as possible, with the least possible damage.


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