What is a company's IT infrastructure?

 The IT infrastructure includes all the necessary resources to guarantee the execution of the IT processes. When planning it, you should consider hardware, software and applications, operating systems, data management and storage, communication and network platforms, integrated services and internet platforms.

In order for operations and processes to take place efficiently, with standard and continuity, it is also necessary to consider the documentation and human resources necessary to meet the demands of the company.

In this way, your company starts to rely not only on isolated elements of technology. A planned and strategic infrastructure adds agility, security and trust to the business processes.

How important is a good IT infrastructure project?

In small businesses, it is common to make the mistake of neglecting IT infrastructure planning, adding last-minute resources as demand increases.

The problem with adopting this mindset is that investments are usually made in a hurry. Costs are higher, resources are wasted and the lack of integration of devices creates obstacles to routine activities, spending more time in the processes.

See more: managed vs unmanaged switch

A good IT infrastructure project aims to eliminate these problems, predicting the company's growth and future investments . Thus, we can make better use of existing resources, promote the integration of used resources , optimizing processes and increasing performance and productivity.

In addition, a planned investment allows market research to be well done , finding the best opportunities and the most appropriate solutions for your business at the best prices.


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