Software Engineer vs Software Developer

The similarity between the names can confuse many people! Despite this, there are many differences between a software engineer and a software developer, ranging from undergraduate courses to the tasks that each performs within the company.

Understand the differences between the two and make the best choice for your career.

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Roles and Responsibilities    

Within a software development project it is very common to have both a software engineer and a developer on the team, since the professionals have different roles in the team.

The software engineer participates in the development process as responsible for designing, evaluating, maintaining, testing, developing and providing technological solutions for the customer's wishes and needs.

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On the other hand, the software developer is in charge of the software development process itself, that is, designing, architecting and creating the main tasks that the program will perform, as well as writing the lines of code with the team of programmers, always aiming productivity, high performance and meeting customer demands.

Academic education

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Generally, to become a software engineer it is necessary for the professional to obtain a degree in Computer Engineering or in Software Engineering .

Computer networks are the basis of communication in IT. They are used in a huge variety of ways and can include many different types of network.

In addition, take many courses in programming logic, computer architecture, data structure and algorithms, as a way to complement learning.

These engineers must also be able to work with different mathematical models and hardware technologies.

Already the software developers, in turn, have a degree in Science of computing , information system or other related course.


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